
The end?

I'm home. But it will never really
End. I'm different.


She hauled her fat red suitcase up into the back of the Prius (everyone drives one in California, it seems) and looked up at the sky. "Oh, no," she said. "Cloudy..."

Her soon-to-be-former roommate smiled. "It's because California is sad you're leaving." She brightened.


A mass of vegetables and scrambled eggs meant breakfast. Overpriced, for sure, but delicious. She, her boyfriend, and his parents sat down and watched the periodic fluctuations in the security line. "I think it's time for me to go... thank you again for the ride, and thank you," she turned to the blonde boy with his muted, but still present, grin, "for everything. This summer was fantastic."

"I'm glad I met you," he said. "You made things infinitely more interesting."

A kiss. "Goodbye."


Her face was pressed against the glass. SFO slipped sideways as she whispered a farewell to the state and everything it had provided her for the summer. The plane took off, whisking through San Francisco's characteristic clouds. A few wisps blew across the wing, catching the sun just right. Rainbows poured off behind, and she knew it would be okay. California wasn't going anywhere.


Routine. Well, maybe.

Thanks, everyone, for making this a phenomenal summer. I'll never forget you. :)

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